Saturday, 26 January 2008

Chart interpretation in astrology compatability

Some people complain that astrology is not an exact science. But if it were, astrology compatability would completely determine the success of your relationship. Would you really want to know that the success or failure of your relationship is completely out of your control?

Because astrology factors in the intuition of its practitioner, different astrology experts will have different opinions on what the stars may hold for you. And if you care not only about what the heavens hold in store for you, but also for your partner, things get even more complicated. The same guidelines for heavenly interpretation always hold, but different practitioners may differ in the details.

For example, here are some astrology compatibility charts from different websites. You'll see that even while the practitioners are mostly in agreement, the astrology compatability tables do have some small differences. Some of these differences come from different readings of the stars, some of them come from different ideas how good a relationship has to be to be "good", and some of the differences just come from different ideas of what makes a good relationship in the first place. Some people really want a steady, predictable relationship, while others think that compatability comes from tension and that hot spark of attraction.

Sign Compatibility Table
Very EasyEasyComplicated
AriesAries, Leo, SagittariusGemini, AquariusLibra
TaurusTaurus, Virgo, CapricornCancer, PiscesScorpio
GeminiGemini, Libra,AquariusAries, LeoSagittarius
CancerCancer, Scorpio, PiscesTaurus, VirgoCapricorn
LeoAries, Leo, SagittariusLibra, GeminiAquarius
VirgoTaurus, Virgo, CapricornCancer, ScorpioPisces
LibraGemini, Libra, AquariusLeo, SagittariusAries
ScorpioCancer, Scorpio, PiscesCapricorn, VirgoTaurus
SagittariusAries, Leo, SagittariusLibra, AquariusGemini
CapricornTaurus, Virgo, CapricornScorpio, PiscesCancer
AquariusGemini, Libra, AquariusAries, SagittariusLeo
PiscesCancer, Scorpio, PiscesTaurus, CapricornVirgo

Your SignCompatible SignsIncompatible SignsOpposite Sign
AriesGemini Leo Sagittarius Aquarius Cancer Capricorn Libra
TaurusCancer Virgo Capricorn PiscesLeo Aquarius Scorpio
GeminiAries Leo Libra AquariusVirgo Pisces Sagittarius
CancerTaurus Virgo Scorpio PiscesAries Libra Capricorn
LeoAries Gemini Libra SagittariusTaurus Scorpio Aquarius
VirgoTaurus Cancer Scorpio Capricorn Gemini Sagittarius Pisces
LibraGemini Leo Sagittarius Aquarius Cancer Capricorn Aries
ScorpioCancer Virgo Capricorn Pisces Leo Aquarius Taurus
SagittariusAries Leo Libra AquariusVirgo Pisces Gemini
CapricornTaurus Virgo Scorpio PiscesAries LibraCancer
AquariusAries Gemini Libra Sagittarius Taurus Scorpio Leo
PiscesTaurus Cancer Scorpio Capricorn Gemini Sagittarius Virgo

And finally, there is an intricate color-coded grid at

Astrologer 1 further differentiates Astrologer 2's "Compatible signs" into separate categories of "Easy" and "Very Easy". Astrologer 2 has the additional category of "Incompatible", but merely lists the opposite sign, whereas Astrologer 1 specifies that the opposite sign will result in a complicated relationship. Astrologer 3 mostly agrees with Astrologer 2, but with an even more detailed breakdown.

As you can see, different astrologers can be in rough agreement over most signs' compatability, while still leaving room for them each to apply their individual interpretations. So if you don't like one astrologer's interpretation of you and your partner's astrology compatability, you have two options: (1) learn the stars yourself so you can pinpoint exactly what you're looking for in a relationship, or (2) find a new astrologer!

Thursday, 10 January 2008

The mistake of prejudging through astrology compatability

There is a misconception that, through astrology, compatability of a relationship can be conclusively determined. Rather, astrology offers a method to predict and prepare for a relationship's inevitable challenges.

For example, square aspects are traditionally called "incompatible", but this oversimplifies the case. Actually, however, these relationships are not uncommon. This astrologer calls it the "growth-through-confrontation" relationship. Her point is that while this style of relationship is not for everyone, it can offer the opportunity for incredible growth as a couple or individuals:
The positive side of this type of relationship is that it provides a lot of energy and motivation to break out of old ways of relating. The only problem is that it can be very painful for all of those involved. Nevertheless, for those that are really committed to growing both individually and as a couple and who like a lot of fireworks in their relationship, the square relationship can be quite dynamic and can produce a lot of breakthroughs.
The moral of the story is that the stars are not telling you to give up on a relationship that you think has potential. Your astrology compatability is more like an early warning system to prepare you for what might be coming.